Do you know what your core values in life are? Do you live by those values? Are your decisions guided by those values? Do your relationships reflect those values?
Core values help us to know what is important in life, what drives us. If our actions do not line up with our value system, we can experience stress, lack of focus, confusion, and miss out on our purpose in life.
Have you identified your top core values? You can't live by your core values if you have not identified them. Start by identifying your top 10 values. Write that list down, then set it aside for a couple days. Pay close attention over a week time frame as to what really is important to you. Revisit your list and see if the top 10 values you chose are truly your how you live your life. If your list needs a realignment, then make it. Once you do that, then narrow it down to your top 5. These should be the things that shape your decisions and how you live your life.
One question you can ask yourself to focus on if you are aligned with your values is this: Do my actions, my schedule, and where my money is spent reflect the values I say are most important to me?Here is a list to begin with. There are many other values that could be added to this, but this is a start:
Appreciation Accountability Artistic Authenticity Accomplishment Achievement Adventure Belonging Beauty Building Being in Control Bold Caution Career Changing the World Compassion Creativity Calm Community Creation Competence Collaboration Communicating Competitive Consistency Cherish Cleanliness Considerate Confident Challenge Cheerful Clear-minded Diversity Diligence Dedication Devotion Determined Dynamic Excitement Education Efficiency Encouragement Excellence Ethical Enjoyment Enthusiasm Explore Expertise Family Faithfulness Fun Freedom Forgiveness Faith Financial Forward Thinking Frugal Fulfillment Fair Fitness Flexible Gentleness Gain Giving Genuineness Goodness Growth God Generous Gracious Honesty Hard Working Humility Humor Health Happy Help Integrity Impact Others Influence Inspiring Independent Intelligence Joy Kindness Love Loyal Love of Learning Life Leadership Marriage Mentoring Make a Difference Nurturing Obedience Orderliness Optimistic Patience Peace Perfection Performance-Driven Persistence Power Physical Productive Purity Passionate Positive Quality Quiet Respect Risk Taking Relationships Recognition Relaxation Respect for Others Resourceful Security Self-esteem Self-expression Sensitivity Servanthood Service Silence Sincere Solitude Self-control Spiritual Stability Success Safety Serenity Simplicity Spontaneous Structure Support Strength Temperance Tolerance Tranquility Trust Truth Trustworthy Timely Thoughtful Teamwork Uniqueness Useful Vitality Vision Winning Worship Wisdom
Ask this as you work to narrow the list to I appreciate this value? Does this value truly reflect my character? Do I enjoy this more than other things?
Once you identify your top 5 values, what are some key action steps you can take to make very clear boundaries around your values? How will those boundaries impact the life you live and how you treat others?
Thank you for this information! I look forward to going through the list with my children and spouse so we can all find our core values and live our family life by those values.